
Exerts taken from the 



Greetings to My Illustrious Family:

It is an extreme honor and pleasure for me to greet and welcome you, on behalf of the 1997, Love - Bridges Family Reunion Committee. It is an extraordinary commitment that has brought so many of us together "one more time".

Remember our family is different and unique...there is not another family like it. The purpose of our family reunion is to encourage our loved ones; to get to know each other, to love each other, to respect each other, and to educate the minds of our younger generation to fully understand and appreciate the family values, and its history. It is hoped that the participation will continue to spiral.

We appreciate all the cooperation and support from our family and friends. Again, my sincere thanks to each of you for performing in the best interest of our family. So take this time to reflect upon the past, to relish the present, and to dream, of a better tomorrow.

Levi Wilson


On behalf of the 1997, Love•Bridges Host Committee, thanks to God for another year's
journey. As we greet each of you upon this magnificent occasion of our Love-Bridges fifth annual celebration, Our hearts are filled with gratitude to family members and friends, for your great faithfulness, support, love, loyalty, and harmony that you have exemplified through the years.

The theme "Strong Minds Build A Positive Family", urges us to focus on family values and on the future. This celebration is our opportunity to recognize our younger generation and to celebrate their many achievements, as role models and to shape a better tomorrow.

As you enjoy this glorious celebration, it is our hope that each one present, will leave this place more enlightened on "what it means to be a family". We thank the members of the committees for their objectivity in planning this event. Your enthusiasm has inspired us to make this the most memorable event of the year. We are deeply grateful to the Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Family, individually and
collectively, for your cooperation and support in opening your doors to the Love•Bridges Family.

Your work is an example of what is in the future for the Love•Bridges Family. You have my best wishes and prayers for continued success in the very important service you are performing in the best interest of our family. May God bless each of you in a special way.

James Vance

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The Bridges and Love Family

Established in Georgia 1918.